In this last one Kate is running to her sippy cup of water on the path!
I really love these photos.
I need to learn how to do cool things to them in Photoshop. (The dress is from GAP.)
In this last one Kate is running to her sippy cup of water on the path!
I really love these photos.
I need to learn how to do cool things to them in Photoshop. (The dress is from GAP.)
We all srceam for ice cream!
Most of these are out of focus (not sure why this keeps happening?) but we rarely eat ice cream so this was a very special and spontaneous treat. It was Kate's 1st ice cream cone (of her own) and she LOVED it!
Claire, Kate's dress is from the Baby Gap. I got it a few months ago but it is this season. I hope you can find one:) Also, Janie and Jack has a pink and green patchwork dress that I hope to buy soon. You might like it too.
We went to the local "Dogwood Festival' last night. Kate rode some rides for the first time ever! She even went on a few by herself. She is not really smiling but she loved each ride and kept asking to go again and again! Here she is on her first carousel ride.
A girl and her Daddy
I have really enjoyed answering the questions. Thank you for all of the kind comments and responses. Y'all are good for a gal's self esteem.
Anonymous and Hanna asked if we were planning to adopt again?
I seriously doubt it. Although I would love to give more children a loving home, I think that we are at our capacity. In my answer on parenting I stated that I try to really connect with each of my children every single day. That is a challenge for me with 3 children. I know that many people do it with many more but I think I would be too overwhelmed. I don't have a huge tolerance for chaos. And even if I husband says not only no.... but #@*! NO ! And that is a direct quote.
Lisa W. asked
What is your typical week day like? Give us your schedule and include when you clean! Your house always looks so great and YOU always look so great and put together. How do you do it Kim?
Thank you! First of all, people do tell me that I always look put together but that is not really how I perceive myself at all. So, I am still surprised when peple say it. In fact, my MOPS friends challenged me to see if I owned "lounge wear" and I wore it to one of our meetings to show them I did. I like clothes and I think from living in Houston all of those years, I just got used to getting dressed each day. I feel better and more energetic when I have something cute on. I am not vain but I am definitely more comfortable with my hair done and a little make-up on. I think this is how I was raised too. My Mom always had us dressed up. Remember this post? My sisters are the same way. I have gotten a lot more "casual" though. In fact, my new anti-aging secret is to not look in the mirror. Then I don't notice any changes! I fully realize that it is all about what is on the inside and that is the beauty I see in others.
Our schedule....
Alarm goes off at 6:30 AM. I gently kick my hubby and remind him to hit snooze. Then 10 minutes later we drag ourselves out of bed. He makes coffee and I wake each of the boys. I go into their rooms and rub their backs and tell them to get dressed, make their beds and come down for breakfast. They usually growl at me.
We eat breakfast (boys), drink coffee (parents), let Scout out and give her a pet, brush teeth and shuffle (sometimes there is whining (them) and yelling (me) here) them off to school. Dave makes their lunches the night before and he drives morning carpool. What a guy!
Miss Kate wakes up sometimes when this is all going on and it is a scramble to get her warm goat milk (another post) and a fresh diaper. Sometimes, she sleeps until after the boys leave (around 7:15). I notice that Kate has a much better day if she wakes up after the boys leave. That way, I sit and feed her milk from a sippycup but as though it were a bottle. I hold her like a baby and look into her eyes and stroke her face while she drinks. It is a special time. I think that connection sets her day off the best but it is not always possible if I am making the boys breakfast. When Kate first came home I fed her like that EVERY morning but as she gets older, it is more challenging.
After the boys leave, Kate and I get dressed. While I shower, Kate watches whatever is on PBS in my room and then she watches me dry my hair and get dressed. She imitates me and pretends to blow dry her hair or put on lip gloss. Yesterday, she put powder on my face for me. It was so sweet.
After that, Kate eats breakfast and we are usually off to Little Gym or MOPS or the park or to run errands. This morning we will are heading to a special birthday party. Many times we stay home and play but if we are going out it is always in the morning around 9-ish.
We come home around 11-11:30 , eat lunch, read a few books and go down for nap. (this is when I clean or blog or try to return phone calls). Kate usually naps from 12-2 or 2:30 and this time is very sacred.
After nap we either play, go outside or go pick up the boys from school if it is our day to pick-up.
When the boys get home (3:30-ish) everyone has a snack and does homework right away. I try to cook dinner while this is going on if I am cooking that day. If it is a Judo night or soccer night, we eat really early and this is a very rushed time in our house.
If it is not a Judo or soccer night, Dad comes home and immediately either cooks dinner OR takes over the kid duty. He is so good! We eat together as a family every single night. That is SO important to me.
After dinner, it is usually bath time (7:00). The boys shower and get themselves ready and Dave bathes Kate. I usually fold laundry or clean up dishes or catch up on stuff. Sometimes, I just hang out while he bathes Kate. We read to the kids. I usually read to Harry and Dave usually reads with Kate and Will but sometimes it changes. One of us starts a chapter book with a child and we read it to the end. Since Dave and Will are doing Harry Potter (they are on the last one), Harry and I are doing the Fudge series.
By 8:00 all 3 peanuts are tucked in bed. We snuggle, pray, chat with the boys individually before they go to sleep most nights. If we are running later that usual because of an activity the bedtime routine is very abbreviated. We think it is essential that they get to sleep.
Then, Dave and I race down to watch American Idol! I often have my laptop and answer e-mails, edit photos, look at blogs during commercials (unless Dave and I are talking). I am trying to really limit reading blogs to one night a week so I am sorry if I don't comment as much but my honey needs my time. I like to read at night too.
As far as cleaning...I am always doing it...I throw in loads of laundry at the start of the day or as Kate is going down for a nap. I clean the kitchen while Kate is eating in her high chair. I do not have one day or time that I clean. It is constant.
What activities do you do with Kate at home while "the boys" are at school? I am a big believer in "floor time". I have done it with each of my kids. I will say it was MUCH easier with Will though. I get on the floor with Kate and take her lead. Usually, she wants music and instruments. I find that if I spend 30 minutes on the floor with her and give her my undivided attention, she is much more willing to be cooperative as I get my other stuff done. If I drag her around on my errands and chores all day, it is not fun. So we sing and do LOTS of fingerplays. We have tea parties, build blocks, feed the babies, do puzzles. We go outside and blow bubbles, pick up rocks and leaves, sit in the rocking chairs, use sidewalk chalk. I am not very creative and sometimes it gets boring but I know that it is what we need to be doing...exploring together. I think if all parents did floor time, the world would be a better place. I will admit that it is not what I always want to do and there is not always time for it if we have an activity in the morning and it is my carpool day. But it makes a HUGE difference, trust me. I welcome any ideas/suggestions for more activities.
In Houston, we lived very close to the children's, art and science museums and the zoo. I lived at those places with Will and Harry. My kids knew what an oil painting and a sculpture were by 2 years old. Will could have given tours of the museums at that age too. I loved having all of that right there and for birthdays, we bought memberships. I really wish I had stuff like that here to do with Kate but I don't. So, if you live in a city---go soak up all of that great stuff! Sometimes you don't know what you have until it is gone!
Kathy Z asked about the pearls (see last post) and Is that a monogram in the middle of the strand on the silver piece? Yes, it is and I have had it about 10 years. I love it!
Leslie asked--- Ok, that is my question to you, how do you keep your closet organized? I am constantly rearranging mine and the kiddos! I know you actually asked for a photo of my closet and I almost took one but I can barely get into it for all of the luggage and shoes on the floor. Plus, I figured you could see it when you come visit! Also, I am not far enough along in my 12 step perfectionist recovery program to actually show you what it looks like in its current state:) But how I prefer to keep it organized is....(this seems so boring --are you sure you want to know?). I change over the closets twice a year. I put summer shoes up into clear plastic labeled boxes (or labeled shoe boxes) and bring out winter shoes to the bottom. I move skirts/sweaters/blazers etc to the more accessible parts of the closet. I keep all like items together and in color order. So, all of my shirts hang from light to dark. Within the color they are arranged by sleeveless, short sleeve and then long sleeve. All sweaters are folded and arranged by color on shelves. I attempt this with the kids closets too and they stay that way for a little while. I have done Dave's closets this way as a surprise for him (one year for Valentine's day) but he barely noticed. I really like this sense or order and organization and I will get back to it when Kate is in pre-school.
Another question, what is your favorite recipe? Oh, this is tough. I have so many. I will post one in a few weeks that is easy and I like to bring to people who have had babies. Remind me if I forget. I really will.
Oh Mommy asked...What is the one thing you love most about each individual kid?
This is hard too because I could write volumes on each one. But here is my attempt...
Will~ Will has incredible social grace. I almost cannot believe I just typed that because he was not always that way. But, he will ask how my day was or ask my Mom how she is doing. He feels bad when he does something wrong and really sincerely apologizes. He has impeccable manners and always rises to the occasion in public. He is good with little kids. Those are just some examples of his social graces;)
Harry~this is so hard because this kid is truly good at everything and he is so darned cute! I think I love his heart and his love for Jesus the most. He is our prayer warrior and he loves his Bible. Harry is a generous soul.
Kate~Kate is joyful and she brings a smile to most people. She is extremely gentle and affectionate with little ones.
My kids are so totally normal though and they throw tantrums (Kate) and speak disrespectfully (Harry) and get sulky (Will).
These are all from Adele:
How many times a week do you cook and eat out? We generally eat out once a week. It is hard because we try to eat gluten free and very little dairy. So, we have to cook most nights. I have gotten lazy lately and we have had a few lame dinners but I think overall my husband and I do well in this area. We do eat together every night and people told me we would not be able to do that as the boys got older but Will is almost 11 and we still do.
What is your family's favorite dinner? The boys love tacos. We make our own seasoning because of allergies but they are an easy staple in our house. Will loves chili and gluten free lasagna. Harry loves meatballs and gluten free pasta. Kate love Chinese food and beans. Dave and I love all food!
Do you have a fast and easy recipe that you use frequently? We make tacos a lot and black bean soup and tortilla soup. I also make a pasta and grilled chicken dish that I will share in an upcoming post.
How do you break up the house work? When do you get it done? I pretty much do housework every single day. There is always something to be done and I try to keep things picked up and in order so that it doesn't get out of control. I am just stealing Adele's answer here:)
Do you have any tips for getting it done faster/easier? Not really. I try the "Only touch it once" philosophy but some days I am just so darned tired.
Do you guys have a bedtime routine? Oh YES! We begin a routine THE day our kids come home from the hospital (or the airport). Dave thought it was so silly to read to Will when he was 2 days old but let me tell you...that kid was turning the pages to books at the appropriate time when he was 5 months old. I wrote about our routine above.
What is a typical day like for you all? I mean a break down time wise.
I answered this above too.
What kind of staples do you keep stocked in your kitchen? Fruit, OJ, coffee, gluten free bread, rice milk (for the boys) and goat milk (for Kate) and organic half and half (for me). We always have a very full pantry. We run out of fresh fruit constantly and we are always refilling the fruit bowl. I really do not eat much fruit though and need to get better at that.
How often do you go to the grocery store? Oh my goodness. We have to shop at 3 different stores for our unique dietary needs. So we seem to be at one of them almost everyday!
Do you and Dave share any of the household responsibilities? Dave helps with almost everything. I don't do the yard work or take out the trash. I do most of the laundry but he does help out. He is a great cook (better than me--although I am not too shabby).
What's your best organization tip? Oh no! I am feeling a relapse into my old perfectionist days... I really cannot give any advice here because people in glass houses should not throw stones and all. I used to be so organized and I LOVE being organized but there are only so many hours in a day and I am spending less of them being organized!
What is your favorite cleaner(s)? I love the daily granite by Method for marble and granite. I actually really like all of the Method products and Old English wipes and Murphy's oil soap!
How far in advance do you start planning birthday parties and events.? I am not really sure. I have begun thinking about the June birthdays (Kate and Will). But nothing is completely planned or set in stone yet. I used to be better about this but time is a precious commodity these days and I have become more of a last minute gal!
Where do you find inspiration for all the fabulous things you do? Not sure I do anything very fabulously...but I like pretty things and I like to be surrounded by beauty. That inspires me to have a pretty house and to keep it clean. I love fresh flowers and I usually have them in my house. My faith inspires me to try to be a good person, wife, Mom and friend to others but I am sure I fall short a lot of the time.
How do you keep track of all of your events/to do? Big board list, fridge list, family calender? Ect? I have the Mom Agenda. It is GREAT. My friend Elissa introduced me to it a few years ago. Now, I just need to remember to look at it everyday!
Amy asked
1. You have beautiful fresh flower arrangements in many you create your own or do you use a florist? Thank you. I do not use a florist and I used to do much more elaborate arrangements. I read a book about becoming healthier several years ago and the author recommended keeping fresh flowers in your house(among other things). At the time, we lived very close to a wholesale floral district in Houston. So, I bought fresh flowers for very little money every week. Now, I still try to buy them often and I love arranging them. I cannot be very creative here because the selection is VERY limited where we live.
2. How do you make a collage with your pictures? I either make them in Picassa or FD's flicker toys. Both are super easy and self explanatory but if you need help, e-mail me and I will walk you through it.
3. Do you digital scrapbook? If so, what products do you recommend? Yes, but I am not very good at it and I don't make time for it so I have not posted any of my pages. I have lumapix photofusion and it is super easy! I also have Adobe but it is hard and time consuming and I have not had time to really learn it well.
4. What does your husband do for a living?
Oh, good question...I am not really sure but I know he is a Geologist. Over the years, he has worked in the oil business, he has taught college and he now does something with minerals.
OK, houseboy here to give a legitimate answer....there are a couple answers depending on what you're really getting at or curious about. First, I am a geologist - worked for an oil company in TX for a while, then got into 3-dimensional modeling software for mapping underground rock formations. At our current location, I've done a couple years of groundwater work and now am back into economic geology - minerals and rocks that are worth mining or quarrying. BUT, my real purpose is as a life-support system for Kim and Kate. I am the evening parent, the judo shuttle driver, the lawnboy, school lunch maker (every day), and overall servant to the girls and occasionally to the boys. Lastly, I am the recycler and pet owner. That's about it, though I am looking for more chores around the house to do in my spare time.
Lisa and Tate asked what I plan to do the the clothes Kate has outgrown...This is tough too becasue the houseboy really wants me to sell them on E-bay so that there is more money to buy new clothes for Kate. But I keep giving them away to people! I am a lousy business person. Even when I worked, I always did a lot of pro bono work. There was a time when I was helping a lot of friends decorate and people wanted to pay me but I could never let them. The houseboy did not like that at all. He would really like me to start earning my keep around here. I do plan to sell some of Kate's clothes though. I have a bunch of summer things from last year. I'll let you know when I list anything on E-bay.
I think I answered them all but if I missed yours, please just remind me:) And don't forget to go back and comment on the last post for your chance to win the giveaway.
Lynn said:
Okay, I want to know about the doll! The adorable doll is Lili from the Poupette Collection of Corolle dolls. As I mentioned above, it was a very generous gift. I think she the most authentic looking Asian doll I have seen (even more than the other Corolle dolls we have).I think that children NEED routine and discipline and consistency and I think that is is easier to not have those things in a house in the short run. Sometimes, I want to ignore rude behavior instead of put Kate in time out or remove a privlege from the boys but I know that they will learn that the behavior is acceptable and it will be worse down the road. I plan to post about my favorite parenting books very soon here.
You might think we are mean but once when Will was really young (I was pregnant with Harry), we told him that we were going out for ice cream after dinner but he had to eat his dinner or he would not get any. He was 3 and he refused to eat dinner, so we went to Haggen Daaz and Dave and I got our ice cream (I needed it--I was pregnant;) and Will sat there watching. He did not cry or fuss or complain. He learned that we will always follow through. He learned that he can make choices about his own behavior.
One of the best things I learned when I was training in family counseling is "children behave badly when they feel badly." I think it is our job as parents to figure out what is not feeling quite right when our kids are misbehaving. So when my kids are not behaving well (as one is right now), I ask myself....Does he feel well physically? Is he tired, sick, hungry? Is he okay emotionally? Is he scared? lonely? embarrassed? feeling left out? Is he okay spiritually? I think many parents miss this and to me it is KEY!
The WORST that any of my children has ever behaved is when one of them was very, very sick and we did not know it.
Do you have a decorator or does it come naturally? I have never used a decorator. I love shelter magazines and decorating. We did hire an ASID designer when we built this house to oversee our builder but she did not design or decorate anything. We were building long distance (very long distance) so we hired her to make sure that everything we chose was actually what was done. She caught several near mistakes but I chose and designed everything. In fact, she raised her eyebrows at some of my choices along the way but when our house was completed, she told me that she was very impressed with my choices and asked for many of my sources.
Jodee asked:
My question is -- where did you find Kate's bracelet? Kate has several bracelets. I got a favorite one
How on earth do you find the time to do all of this? Play group, shop, blog, have a give a way....what's your secret? ;)
Oh Steffie! You know I don't have time for it all. I have no clue. I seem to always be falling way behind on my "to do" list. I will admit that although I clean a lot myself, we do have a once a week housekeeper to do the heavy cleaning (changing sheets, scrubbing bathrooms etc). And that helps a lot. Also, my husband (who I affectionately refer to here as "houseboy") is extremely hands on. He cooks, he folds laundry, he puts the kids to bed every night and bathes Kate. We are truly partners in parenting. I am very lucky.
Ruby, Fifi and Lulu (don't know what happened to her pants:)
I think Ruby needs a snack!
Thank you for all of your encouraging and kind comments to my last post. I wanted to let you all know that I do know what is important and how quickly this wonderful phase of little blessings passes. That is why my house is a mess. I try to spend the time with my kiddos. I let the laundry pile up so we can read together or go to the park or blow bubbles or just hang out. Sometimes though, I get overwhelmed by the chaos and the work of it all. Even if I know in my heart what is important, having a mess or feeling disorganized and not getting much accomplished is unsettling for me. It is something I struggle with and it is comforting to know that I am not alone. I think we all have days when we wonder if we are doing this Mommy thing well enough!