

Friday, October 26, 2012
I am asking for prayer once more.  My Mom is undergoing a cornea transplant and I would love your prayers.  She has a rare eye disease and it has been very debilitating.  Thank you all so much.  Let me know how I can pray for your intentions as well.


  1. Saying prayers for you, your mom and all the peanuts!

  2. I am praying so hard for your family. Y'all seem to be in the midst of an attack from all angles and I am in a place of deep admiration and respect for your continued reliance on and trust in our Lord. May he bless you and your family enormously through these trials. Blessing & love in Christ!

  3. Saying prayers for your family! You weren't kidding when you said you had a lot of really big things happening right now. Also adding in prayers for a little down time for the Peanut family soon!


  4. I will light a candle for your Mom and son this Sunday. All the best...

  5. I have been praying for you and your family. I will add extra prayers for your mom.


  6. Wow, so sorry to hear of yet another challenge! Sending prayers and good thoughts. You need that taco truck and those margaritas ASAP!!!!


  7. Praying for your family....for your mom, your sweet children and for you as you fight the system in helping your youngest are such a wonderful mommy. I just love coming to visit your blog...thanks for sharing your life with us:)


  8. Praying for your sweet family. Your mother as well as your children. Best of luck as you fight through the school system to get the best help for can be so so frustrating but I know you can do it!! You are such a wonderful mama!!!


  9. Praying for your mom and the rest of you all. Sounds like a difficult season for sure. Praying you feel loved and led by Him!

  10. Hope the surgery went well! Wishing her a easy recovery.

  11. Ah honor to pray every time you ask. I am just seeing this so I will pray her recovery goes well.

  12. Praying for you sweet Mom -- hope it goes well for her!

  13. Long time reader from Watts Street in Houston. I'm 47 and have had 2 corneal transplants. Please email if you have any questions.

    Honestly, your Mom's recovery shouldn't be difficult. I spent approx 2 days in bed, wore the patch, had the black eyes, etc. Vision was soo much better after transplants. So very grateful for the transplants.

    Please do email if you have questions. Have great doc recs in med center area.

  14. Long time reader and almost neighbor. I used to live on Watts Street in Houston.

    I'm 47 and have had 2 corneal transplants. Recovery time shouldn't be long (maybe 2 days in bed), black eye, patch, resting for about 10 days. My vision was so improved and necessary. If you or your Mom have any questions, please email me. I'm linked into great corneal surgeons in TX and CA.



Thank you for your kindness.