~While I moaned and groaned about getting older... I am thankful to be here. Seriously, I love my life. I am thankful that I am getting to watch my children blossom into amazing individuals. I am thankful to wake up every day and live my life (even the days I want to hit the snooze bar just one more time).
~ I am thankful for each and every card, e-mail, e-card, gift, flower and well wish that people sent my way this week. It is nice to be remembered.
~I am thankful for the amazing story God put before me this week. The night of my birthday, I went to hear a fellow MOPS mom talk about the tragic and sudden death of her child. However, her story was really about how God has carried her through the last year. It was an incredibly faith-filled and inspiring message that I needed to hear.
~I am thankful for more beautiful flowers (below) from my friend, Amber.

~ I am thankful for a kind gesture from my hubby. He surprised me the other night by showing me a huge stack of paper. As a gift to me, he has spent the last few months printing out the blog with each and every comment from the beginning. He knows that the reason I do this is to capture our family memories and he wanted it all on paper for me. Thank you for your labor of love.
~I am thankful to my MOPS table. Each of you has reached out to me in a special way recently. I am very touched. Julie Anne made the bag below for me. She wrapped everything in pink and green because she knows I love those colors. Even the truffles were pink and green. The bag was filled with special goodies and each one had a meaningful Scripture verse attached. This was truly one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received.

~Another MOPS mom, Pip remembered (from a blog meme a long time ago) what my favorite kind of pen was and she gave me one on Tuesday. How thoughtful was that? Pip...thank you also for the taggie for Kate. I was telling someone at the exact moment that you handed it to me that I needed one:) I am grateful for your generous and thoughtful nature.

~I am thankful for the best teacher conferences we have ever had. We haven't ever had bad ones. However, one of my kiddos is a very "sit in his chair and do all his work and get good grades" kind of kid. While the other is an "explore, question, move around, creative and get good grades" kind of kid. It is funny... they are very different learners but their report cards were identical. Their teachers really get them this year and that does not always happen with my exploring, brilliant learner. Both of their teachers appreciate their kind of intelligence. I am so grateful for that!
~I am thankful that Miss Katie Ru is feeling better.
~I am thankful for the quilt squares from Sara and Denise! I no sooner mentioned that I am thinking about doing a 100 good wishes quilt for Kate and we started getting squares. I have created a blog for her quilt and I plan to post about the whole thing soon. I would love squares/wishes and will get working coordinating that after Thanksgiving.
~Speaking of Thanksgiving...I am thankful that my sister and her family are coming from PA to spend a few days with us. They have come for the past 3 years and we love having them! As a special treat my friend Elissa's family is joining us this year too. I have a lot of cooking to do!
Sometimes, I feel funny writing all I am thankful for. I honestly could go on and on and I am sure I have forgotten some nice things people have said and done. I think I need to stop here:)
P.S. A certain someone who was not getting enough attention for one minute banged on my computer and turned it off in the middle of some work. Now, it will not start. So, I am posting this from my hubby's computer but I am very behind on answering e-mails and it looks like my laptop will be back in the shop. Sorry.
UPDATE: Apparently, Kate broke the motherboard of my computer and it needs to take a trip to Kentucky to be restored. I will be without a computer for 2-4 weeks. I will probably post from my hubby's computer but will probably not have the time on here to read all my favorite blogs for a few weeks:( Also, I will not be able to do much e-mailing. Not at all thankful fot that!
Hi Kim~
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome post! What a super week. You are very gracious and I really appreciate that about you.
Love the pink and green everything from your friend!
I've also had an attention-deprived member of the family (HA) bang on the keyboard causing me to lose everything.
Can't wait to hear more about the quilt for Kate because of course I'd love to participate.
What a wonderful list! I'm so glad you were blessed by so many wonderful people this week. Glad to hear that Katie is feeling better. Sounds like Thanksgiving is going to be a wonderful time with family and friends. Can't wait to hear all about it.
ReplyDeleteI love your Thankful Thursday post. I am glad you had a great birthday and that Kate is feeling better!
ReplyDeleteHi Kim -
ReplyDeleteLove your thankful Thursdays. What a blessed week you have had.
Thanks, as always for sharing and inspiring so many.
Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy the time with your sister and family.
What great things to be thankful for. Perhaps I need to start doing a thankful Thursday post to help keep me from being blue. I too have many things to be thankful for and perhaps writing them down will remind me. :0) Thanks for sharing these each wekk.
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love MOPS? It is so wonderful for mom's to get together and enjoy one another. Happy 40th, I just turned the big 40 in August! I like your thankful Thursday posts, maybe I should do that too! Thanks for the idea.
ReplyDeleteI would love to exchange quilt squares with you.
I'm glad that everything is going so wonderfully.
What a beautiful post! Thanks so much for sharing this week, I hope your computer will be ok!
ReplyDeleteBlessings on your week!
Your attitude of gratitude is so evident in this post! I enjoyed reading it very much!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you!
Great post, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteoh no, sorry about your computer!
ReplyDeleteI love the gifts the pink and green gift was such a lovely idea so special...
What a great list! I love Thankful Thursday! I also just LOVE the gift that you got with the scripture verses attached to each goody! I just might have to do something like that on some Christmas gifts! What a great idea!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your computer! Also, I can't wait to see more on Kate's quilt. I would love to send a fabric square and message!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say Hello and let you know that I love reading your blog. I have been for a while and you have inspired me to do my own "Thankful Thursday" post. Not sure what I will call it but if you don't mind I might call it the same as yours?
I enjoy your honesty and your willing to share your lessons about life and motherhood. I also appreciate all of the links that you put on your blogs. Great information and fun clothing links!
We are waiting to adopt our second little girl from China and reading your blog makes me happy and I thank you for that.
From one Mommy to another, have a great day, Michele Houston
Sorry I missed you today. Yes, I was at work. I don't even know what days I work so it makes perfect sense that you wouldn't either.
ReplyDeleteThis week I have worked every day, and I am working tomorrow as well. I am back in the office, so I can call in the morning, but the drive is much shorter.
I am glad Kate is feeling better, and I really think her breaking your PC is a sign that you might need a Mac. You have a friend that is more than happy to help you learn how to use it. :)
So sweet that Dave printed your blog for you. If there is anything I can do to help with that project let me know. I know I am across the country but I have a working computer.
Will call tomorrow. Talk soon.
What an awesome week you had! You'll have to email me when you can and tell me how Hubby printed the blog off for you. I have a draft post waiting to go asking everyone about that. I want to do that as well. It's the least I can do since I have basically stopped scrap booking.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend.
We couldn't make it that long without you!! What a great list you have, and what a great birthday!
ReplyDeleteLove the new look...
I'm sorry but I am just giggling myself silly over here...what a perfect ending for Thankful Thursday. That is life, isn't it? Filled with the unexpected.
ReplyDeleteYou are a very blessed woman (with or without your computer) and one of the things I love most about you is that you KNOW IT!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh Kim, it's awesome to read your list of Thankfulness...what a great week of blessings you've had!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your birthday week was so special and it seems like you were showered with much love. :)
Sorry about the computer, yuck!
I hope you're not gone too long .
You do have much to be thankful for. May the blessings keep coming...