Today was Kate's first day of school at her new Montessori school (well if you can call two hours a "day"). It is a carpool drop-off and I was worried she would throw a fit when they went to get her out of my car. But she did not. She was calm and happy and brave and secure. She confidently said, "Bye Mama!" My heart soared. It has taken two years of filling her up with love but I think she is truly securely attached. I know not everyone will understand the feelings I had this morning, but I thought my heart might burst with joy. She has come so far. I am so proud of her.

She is counting here:)
A snuggle with Daddy~o before school:)
When I picked her up from school, she was very happy and said she had a great day!
The first day snuck up on me and I did not have a new "first day of school" dress for this year! That is so unlike me!!! So, she chose to wear this one (again). I am kind of embarrassed. My Mom always had a new first day of school dress or outfit for me and my sisters:) I think I have become a bit of a slacker.
i love that dress. i remember it from last year's post!
ReplyDeleteshe has changed so much in just one year. hope she loves her new school!
yea Kate! I feel your joy and am so happy for all of you:) This school sounds so fun and perfect. 2 hours sounds just right for her age too!
ReplyDeleteOh she looks darling in this dress, you are so not a slacker! You were busy getting her a new hairstyle for school;)
I was just thinking, it is kind of motessori style huh?;) hands on learning with scissors...:):)
I love her dress! Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI totally get your feelings, I know when that day comes for me, if my girl is confident enough to do what Kate did today, I will be SO SO SO proud. ...because you and I know that our girls needed that love and security to get where they are today.
It is amazing.
Jill xx
What an azaming moment for all of you. K looks adorable and I remember that dress from last year and how special it was. I think it's great that she got one more wear out of it!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing as the comment worries about the dress...Kate had a new hairstyle and she looked darling as usual!!!
ReplyDeleteMylee had her first day of school earlier this week. As hard as it was to send her off, I know it is the best thing for her.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the picture of Kate counting, she looks like she is concentrating so hard.
By the way, her hair does not really look that bad, in fact, she looks a bit older (not that you wanted to hear that).
I am having a raffle on my blog to help raise some money to get our dossier to CHina. My hubby is out of work right now so we are struggling to get the dossier fee together. Check it out if you get a chance and it would be really great if you would be willing to give us a shout out on your blog.
Yes Kim - out of all of us - you are the slacker (NOT!!!) :) lol - That dress is perfect for the first day at her school - and looks lovely on her!
ReplyDeleteI pray that we can someday get Becky to the place where Kate is at with leaving me - so proud of her - and so filled with admiration at you & Dave for how far you - and the Lord - have brought her!
Way to go Kate and you too! It takes a lot to get our girls ready for something like that! You should be so proud of her and your whole family -- she couldn't have done it without you! She looks like such a big girl. Her hair looks adorable!
Kate looks ADORABLE in her little dress! How precious!! I am SO glad to hear that her first day went so well!
ReplyDeleteI also try to get my girls some new clothes for their first day in school. This year was easy, it was uniforms for both of them :-)
ReplyDeleteI love Kate's dress, it is very cute and she looked beautiful in it with her new hairdo :-) Nobody at the school will notice it's a dress from last year since it's a new school so don't worry about it...
Kate is such a littel hunny!! :) She looks all grown up in her pretty school dress! I love the photo of her in her daddy's arms...very sweet!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Hugs,
I understand perfectly what you mean that you were so proud of her. My hope for Hayden is that she will be able to feel that secure and attached and know that mommy is coming back to hop right out of the car too!!
ReplyDeleteSlacker...please, she looked totally adorable(haircut and all) and I think you should pat yourself have 3 awesome kids:)
She slloks adorable and so glad she had a good first day! They are grown in a blink of a eye, enjoy.
ReplyDeleteHer confidence shines through her eyes, Mama. Well done!
ReplyDeleteLove the dress too. So happy it still fits her! Often, they only wear them ONCE!! :0)
Mine don't go back until Sept 8!!
Snick :)
She looks adorable and her hair really is cute!
ReplyDeletere-NEWed dress, New hairdo, and a NEW ATTITUDE! Go get 'em Kate!! Don't be embarrassed, I LOVE THAT DRESS, it's NEW to others who haven't seen it! She looks adorable!!
ReplyDeleteI truly know what you mean. The buses in our hometown, always did a practice run a week before school, just seeing the buses would make me cry!
I cried so much when my kids started their first day, that my oldest son, saved a peanut butter cookie from lunch, because he thought I was "crying because I didn't eat while he was at school"! I guess he got that from the connotation I always used with them "Momma is sure hungry, I need my dose of sugar" and would kiss them until they would fall into laughter!! The five year old mindset!! LOL!!!
I can remember that like it was yesterday, he is 24yrs old now!!! *Treasure each moment
*keep some of her artwork (although it will be hard to decide which you will keep and which you will TOSS) trust me, you will FILL GUILTY (LOL)esp the macaroni art, that little critters love to nibble on
*buy the pictures, YES even the one where the hair is out of place, teeth are missing, the blouse is buttoned crooked, etc
*enoy each conversation of ME AND MY BEST FRIEND___________ did this and did that etc
I know you probably have done this for your sweet little guys already, it's just a refresher course, mainly more for me than you probably, my "baby" is 20 and we have 2yr old Bree (who has been an added blessing to our family)! We have a 28yr old, 24yr old, 22yr and 20yr old and now a 2yrold, a lot has changed in the last 18yrs!!! I'm learning alot from the younger mom's, thank you for being an inspiration!!!
PS Keep our little city in your thoughts and prayers, we were hit by the unexpected tornado on yesterday. Thankfully most of the injuries were minor, but it was sheer terror for alot of shoppers.
Way to go Kate! And, way to go Mom!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be a great day!
love her cutiepie haircut & the dress is still as cute as ever!!
ReplyDeleteYou have 3 children! You are allowed to slack a little :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a strong girl and a wonderful mommy! I love hearing about miss kate!! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I understand what a huge deal that was for her to muster her courage and get right out of your car this morning and go into school all on her own. Good for her...and good for you! I would be very, very proud as well.
ReplyDeleteEmma starts school in a few weeks and I wonder how that is going to go. She alternates between being very independent and needing me to be right with her but she tried camp at her preschool for a week and loved it. I have a feeling she will do fine, too. I know I will need tissues seeing just how grown up and secure she is becoming.
I love her dress and her hair! She looks precious!!
ReplyDeletelol...I'm sure it was the trauma of the haircut that threw you off your game this year ;) I'm so happy for you that she was so happy to go off to school. Enjoy your little break!!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm happy for you all. You're not a slacker. And just maybe, the familiar dress was comfort and made Kate feel especially secure today.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is so adorable! I have definitely heard of "Is Your Mama a Llama?" Isn't is just wonderful? I have to also tell you that I love your quote form "Little Miss Spider."
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is just the cutest thing! Going to school for the first time is a such a wonderful thing to see! Enjoy!
Hello again...sorry I HAD to comment on the post about Kate cutting her hair. I didn't know if you would read it there, so I posted here. ANYWAY. I teach Pre-K and let me tell should just consider yourself lucky...i have seen worse, WAY worse. One poor girl cut it so short she had to practically shave the rest off, then she wore a bandanna for the rest of the year bc the kids told her she looked like a boy. So so sad.
ReplyDeleteLoved your story, had to share. :)
LOVE the photos..
ReplyDeleteLooks like Kate had a great day...
Glad things are going well.
Have a great week..
Congrats to Kate!!! What a big girl on her first day of school. I loved your statement about filling her up with true, as that is what we have to do for our babes! She looks positively radiant! Happy Day :)
ReplyDeleteWay to go Kate! You have worked so hard for this day! Z also started at an AMI Montessori this week- it sounds almost exactly like Kates. She was so ready just like Kate and told me bye and never looked back as her teacher walked her up. My heart was bursting with pride- i totally know how you are feeeling... makes it so much easier for us to let them go!
ReplyDeleteSlacker, you? No way! These photos are amazing, and Kate looks beautiful and sooo confident/proud! I love the 2nd photo- that gleam in her eyes! I know how happy and proud you are of your sweet girl! Yay!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the first day went well! I know that's a huge step for both of you. That drop off line can be so intimidating...
I love Kate's new 'do!
Hope the rest of hte week goes just as well.
The dress is adorable. I love the red bow in her new do!
ReplyDeleteYou must be one proud mama! Kate looks absolutely adorable! Don't feel bad about the dress. I bought Carson a new shirt to wear on his first day of school and he refused to wear it! Go figure!
ReplyDeleteKate looks as sweet and happy as can be!!! I am so glad it was a great day for you all...a start to a successful year!
ReplyDeleteSlacker is not something I would associate with you...You have had a full plate...and some fun getaways, so slacker is not what I would call you..Multitasker - yes, busy - yes.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad she had a great day...Love that big red bow in her hair!
Kate looks darling for her first day of school, glad to hear it went well. That's a big step- good job Kate!
ReplyDeleteJust caught up on your last few posts. I felt for you with the hair, sorry. A younger look but still so cute, and good job with the new cut and style, it's darling! With your healthy meals and vitamins, it will grow quicker and stay shiny.
If it makes you feel any better, my girls had the "stylish" orphanage shaved haircut at about Kate's age (too bad they do that right before the placement), they were still so beautiful, as is Kate. Their hair grows slow too so I've done a lot of pig tails and pulling it back, its now getting long enough to start wearing down.
LOL- Mulan did it. Cute and smart!
I hope Kate had a good first day of school. It is often harder on us than them. She looks beautiful in her new dress and her hair cut is very cute ( I know you really liked it long). I hope you treated yourself to some mommy time.
She looks adorable in her first day of school outfit!
ReplyDeleteWhy did I think you closed down your blog? You've been off my reader for a while now. I'll have to remedy that stat.
She looks beautiful. And I say a fabulous dress can be worn again and again. So glad she is confident and happy. It is truly is joyful to she your children grow after such a different beginning.
ReplyDeleteI love that dress...AND, IT is a new School for her, so No one from last year saw her in it, right? The only people who know are you ...and your blog readers! :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it still fits her- that is great!
Adorable on her first day of school! Oh, doesn't it make it a lot easier when your child is so excited to go? My second of three just went to her first day of nursery school today. She was so excited! (And guess who cried the whole drive home...after I dropped her off?) :)
ReplyDeleteShe is a doll! I am so proud of Both of you. Atleast you did not have to stay all day like the first week of preschool! Hey, it's ok, Ashlyn went to 4th grade Wednesday and I cried! Hellllooo 4th grade! Get it together Christen!
ReplyDeleteI love that dress too! I'm so happy that she had a great first day. Bella Ruth started Kindergarten this year and she didn't cry one tear. I wish I could say the same for me :) I'm going to do a little post about her first day soon.
Oh, Connie (mommy24) is naughty, isn't she?? I LOVE that dress on Kate - she looks as adorable in it this year as she did last!! I love her big red bow! She looks so sassy; school is going to be so fun for her this year ;)
ReplyDeleteOh Kim, I would have cried too! But she can still be Cinderella and there is nothing cuter than a bob with a bow.
ReplyDeleteK & M LOVE scissors so we've had the "never cut your hair" talk more than once. So far, so good. I think I'll knock on wood now.
And Will is hysterical! So funny.
Oh, Kim! She is just adorable! Mia has the same dress for her first day of school Tuesday! I also have black shiny shoes with white ruffle socks. Depending on how she wants to wear her hair that day, she might even have a big, red bow also. How funny. I'll post her "first day of school" pictures sometime next week...
ReplyDeleteJust catching up here....
ReplyDeleteYou must have been beside yourself when you saw what happened with the scissors. I know you have been letting her hair grow for a long time.
This has always been a fear of much so that I am after everyone in this house to keep scissors in a place that Sarah cannot reach, but sometimes even that doesn't help....they are just too observant and too QUICK.
The new cut looks everyone said, she could pull off any look!!
Glad to see that the first day of school was a success.