
The Truth hurts

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He said I am on the computer too much.

And he is right.

I asked him if I should stop blogging. 

And he said, "No, you love your blog.  It makes you happy."

And he is right. He is very wise for an 8 year old.

Now I need to find the right balance.  Balance between spending more time with each of the children, kid activities and being a good wife and sometimes indulging in my hobbies.  It is hard.  It might take a while to figure it all out. The truth hurts.


  1. I'm totally with you!! Yep, Hubby said something last night about me being a 'blog queen'...hmmm. I's hard to balance everything and still have a social life with our bloggy friends. :)

  2. I'm totally with you!! Yep, Hubby said something last night about me being a 'blog queen'...hmmm. I's hard to balance everything and still have a social life with our bloggy friends. :)

  3. Hmm...I hear that too and am trying to balance.

  4. My heart feels for you. I find it hard balancing everything and I don't even have children yet! Your children are so blessed to have a mother like you who whole heartedly wants to address their needs. You will find a way to still endulge in your hobbies. And until then, we all know you may be a little MIA!

  5. you just gotta become a midnight blogger : )
    they can dream and you can blog away!!
    i am still beyond jealous of your valentines day dinner!
    kisses and cupcakes,

  6. Blessings to you as you find your balance...

  7. It is always a juggling act....trying to find a happy medium in all these areas and I think it is something we all struggle with.

    The truth does hurt sometimes....but you are a wonderful Mother, Wife, and friend to do need to find a little "me" time too......don't let it make you feel guilty!!



  8. He's such a sweetie, isn't he! I'm also on the computer too much, but try to be on when my little one is in bed, though I am not always successful. Good luck balancing!


  9. we had a very similar conversation the other night...finding the balance is what is hard. and i imagine it only gets more difficult as kids enter the picture.

  10. Yes the truth does hurt and kids tell the truth for sure. Brady said to me one day will you just get off the computer and sit with me so I have tried my best to only get on when he is at school or in the bed. That can be hard to for me. Hope you guys are feeling better we have had our second round of the crud!!! Hoping to feel better soon.

  11. Yes, I hear the same thing. Kills me when Emma sits on the floor and puts her head on my lap.

  12. Oh, the truth does hurt, but do not be hard on yourself. You are a wonderful Mom, and when you with your children you give them 110%.
    My boys are down for their nap right now! I know that my "cheat time" from the boys or my husband it is with the computer. I really have to keep it in check, but it is hard! :)

  13. Balance is everything. I'm trying to be more selective about blog reading and have eliminated some. However, I love yours and plan to keep reading.

  14. You poor thing! My kids would say the exact same thing! I try to do the majority of my blogging when they are sleeping. Would that work for you?! Our kids go to bed at 8:00 p.m. so that gives me two hours before I go to bed! The hubs is just watching TV anyway! I hope you find the perfect balance for you and your family!

  15. Oh my goodness, I can't believe he said that! I hope you are able to find the right balance.

  16. Kim...I was hit with a similar comment the other day: My computer became way too accessible.
    It is so hard to balance everything, so I bet you'll have a lot of supportive comments from people like me in the same boat! Hopefully that will help. I need to figure out a way to manage better myself.

  17. I try not to be on the computer when Landree is up. Every once in a while I hear the same thing from Jeff :)

    Share how to balance it all when you figure it out.

  18. When you find the right balance, can you let me know? I doubt there's a mom out there that doesn't struggle with this. I know I usually feel guilty when I spend time doing something I enjoy, but it is healthy. Good luck!

  19. Harry sounds like a very insightful young man!

    I'm sure you will find a balance, but I hope you don't stop blogging! I love your posts!

  20. UHG! I am a stalker of your blog. Mostly b/c I rarely check my g-mail account and if you ever replied, i didn't want to seem rude never responding back to you.

    BUT - I HAD to comment on this. My boys, 8 and 11, both have told me that i am on the computer too much! OUCH!

    I need to find balance in SO many things! I am prayerfully looking for the answer! I will pray for you too!

    In His love,

    Christi in Mississippi

  21. Out of the mouth of babes...I know you will work it all out! I am so impressed with Harry's big heart and at how wise this young man truly is to recognize you are doing something you love and he doesn't want you to give it up. It sounds like you and Harry need a mother/son date night! You and Dave are doing a fantastic job of raising your peanuts. I am in awe of you...
    Kim and Katiebug

  22. It is so hard to balance everything in life as a mom. I just set up new boundaries for my blogging life in Jan after taking the whole month off to evaluate. I too love to blog and love documenting life but need to keep my family and my priorities in check before I log onto my computer. I actually have started a timer when I give myself time or I get lost in the blogging world. Hope you are able to find the balance as a wife and mother and also are able to take time to do things that you love doing. Blessings!

  23. It does hurt. I hear this all the time due to the amount of time needed to run the business. I'm still trying to find that perfect balance, and things keep slipping. Not sure what is the answer, but know you are not alone at all.

  24. I hear you. Sometimes I feel like I spend too much time blogging and reading. It's hard to balance. You are a wonderful mommy, wife and friend. You will find the right balance {{{{hug}}}} It's ok to have Mommy time too. We all need that.

  25. He is JUST adorable, and I am with ya! my husband said the same just the other day..problem is I have a home office, that is my work!

    Let's all stop blogging and go give our honies a hug! :)

  26. Yes..ouch is right...that applies to me too and I have been thinking that too BUT it is winter...we WILL get better when it is pretty outside!!!! WE promise!

  27. It is SO hard! There just isn't enough time in the day.

  28. I can totally understand..I have had just enough time to comment.. and not enough time to post..
    I am going to do a post tonight if it is the last thing I
    Have a great week..
    If I didn't have to work 40+ hours of work.. that would help.. can you tell your cute little son to pick the lottery numbers for me...
    Love ya..

  29. I really do feel for you, Kim. I am at the stage with only one at home and no little ones, that I can spend more time blogging and visitng favorites like flickr ;). And, as you know being a photography buff - this also takes up lots of computer time, downloading and editing photos.
    Also, since I do not watch TV, this is what I choose to do most evenings - the computer and reading!
    I hope you can work it out.


  30. The truth does hurt. My boys like to point my computer time out to me too! They really know how to tug at your heartstrings.

    I am on the computer a lot when they are home off and on, but I try to blog at night after they go to bed. My husband LOVES sports so I usually get my laptop, sit beside him on the sofa while he's watching whatever he wants, and I get to have my computer time. It has worked well for the past couple of months.

    Good Luck finding that's what we all seek. I feel out of balance a lot though!

  31. I usually only blog at night, when the girls are in bed. One goes at 7 p.m. and the other is going down at 7:30 or so, so lots of time for mama in the evenings! :)

    It *is* hard when they start noticing things, huh?

    Snick, Sunshine and Brill (proud mama)

  32. Balance...always trying to find it my friend! I am going to give up blogging for lent...want to join me?

    The kitchen is coming along. I put the Thorton Sage on the walls today because it was too cold for me to work on the doors in the garage and I love it! I will send you some pics tomorrow~

  33. Don't you love the things that children will say. It really feels like an ouch. You will find your balance, I have no doubt.

    Today I heard that I don't like my son and never spend time with him. I quickly pointed out our fun weekend adventure and he said, "oh yeah, that's right." Unbelievable!

  34. I understand! My husband says the same thing :(
    It is SO hard to balance everything! I hope you can figure out what works for you. To me you are "super mom" :)


  35. I totally understand and I am dealing with this myself right now. I do blog late at night but sometimes there are other things I should be doing instead of sitting at the computer. You will find the right balance, Kim. If anybody can, you can. I want the recipes to those wonderful dishes the hubbies prepared for you ladies. THat was so very sweet and thoughtful. I know you all enjoyed it so much.

  36. When I read your post, I couldn't help but think of what I had read at The Inspired Room:


    For me, successful blogging is more about finding success in LIFE. A blog can certainly contribute to your happiness in life–no doubt about that. It kind of all weaves together. Overcoming my fears, stepping out into new territory, facing new challenges and sharing my heart with others through my blog has definitely reshaped my life in positive ways! Do I have it all figured out? No!

    Blogs can contribute to our well being, but they can also wear us down if our priorities get out of order. I’ll admit, my blog EXHAUSTS me if I let it run my life! Same with our responsibilities as keepers of our homes. Our home and daily routines can ADD beauty to our life, or take away from our sense of well being if we get confused about what our purpose is and where our priorities are.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. i hope you find the balence you are looking for. Kids do seem to have a knack for not just telling the truth, but doing so in a way that makes you wonder who is really the grownup. or at least mine does. good luck!

    <3 amy

  38. ((((BIG HUG)))))))
    I am right there with you! Between the computer and sewing and even indulging in reading a book every once in a while.... I too have to find a better balance.
    You will do it!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. OUCH!! Pass the ICE PACK! It is VERY HARD to work 8-5, balance a 24mo old, hubby and STILL find time to catchup on blogs! I HAVE NOT EVEN started my OWN BLOG for that REASON ALONE! I just catch up on my favorite blogs (such as yours, emails, during my break hours at work and sometimes late at night. I have learned EARLY SATURDAY mornings are the BEST TIMES for me.

  41. Don't feel alone! I sometimes have to close my laptop and just walk away! Let us know how you find the right balance.

    By the way, Harry is looking so grown up in these latest photos!


  42. Finding a balance can be so tough Kim! However, if anyone can do it perfectly it is you! I hope all is well nd I thought of you yesterday when I ran into Waiting for Lucy. I found her through your blog and just could not believe it! I am certain Lucy and Kate are destined to be best friends!!

  43. I see that everyone feels the same way!I find it hard too, to balance everything. I find that the computer (blogging) has been my stress reliever!I am trying to get better about being on here. HELP!

  44. I see that everyone feels the same way!I find it hard too, to balance everything. I find that the computer (blogging) has been my stress reliever!I am trying to get better about being on here. HELP!

  45. I've heard those words from my own son. They hurt. When you find the balance let us know because I'm still trying to find it after almost 14 years of mothering. Hugs!

  46. I have heard those words before. I am much better now after blog detox! Ha! I had to just commment about how much Harry is changing, right before our eyes! Such a cutie! Miss you!

  47. I have had to do that too, and it makes me not get to visit the blogs I want to visit as often as I would like!!! But it is necessary!


  48. I hear ya... I just wrote a blog on the juggling act.

    Blogging might be new, but finding the right balance isn't.... I wish you luck. Be sure to blog your secret when you find out!! I need help too...

  49. I'm guilty too!

    Let me know when you figure out the right balance. I'll copy you!

  50. Just stopping by to say hi and that I miss you {{{{hug}}}}} When you find that balance let me know. I am trying to really cut back and spend time on the computer when my girls are playing with one another...of course you have to count in laundry time, cooking and cleaning...geesh!!! No wonder my hands are a mess!!! LOL

  51. Kids are always so perceptive- we can always count on them to "tell it like it is"! I can relate to the need for balance. I don't even have my own blog, but often find myself wondering what I could do with all the time I am on the computer. Have a great weekend!


  52. Always wisdom from the mouths of babes! I will pray gently for a balance for you. I personally love it that you are on the computer much. You always have the greatest postings and your kids just so handsome and beautiful. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend with your family.

  53. Oh yes....I hear that quite a bit here as well.... ;( Although I am not blogging as much as I use too, I am editing pictures non-stop....but's computer time.....

  54. Guilty....I'm with you. I am on in it too much as well. It's addicting isn't it. Kids are so smart and sweet!

  55. I think kids believe that anything we do that is not for them is "too much." Kenna once told me I wipe the counters too much. (Trust me, I should be wiping them a lot more!)

    You have to decide what works best for you though, and of course what works best for your family.

  56. Life is certainly a balancing act. I find some days I have it under control only to be thrown off the next. My children are older so they don't need me as much as they did when they were younger. I don't really watch television so this is how I decompress after a long day.

    Have a great day,

  57. hi kim! i saw this post and thought of little miss kate...then thought of the pen disaster on the sheets (btw, did you get it out?) so maybe it's not a good idea but still cute!

  58. I just had to come and tell you what my girls did today...

    When I was blogging Simone tapped me on the shoulder and started singing, Eyes on Me..Listen.

    I thought you would love it. I thought of your post from a couple of days ago.

    Time for me to slow down with our blog :O)

    Your photos are great! Keep up the good work. You have motivated me to try and use more of my manual modes.
    xoxo Michele

  59. How sweet! My daughter started her own blog ! she's almost 18 now. haha!!!!! just wait,oy!

    you HAVE to go to M. Naeve - you will love it. but to tell you the truth - all those shops are way too expensive (except AREA) - it's far and few between when I can buy something at any of them. Good prices - Joyce Horn and Tara Shaw!


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