As we all do, I often contemplate stepping away from the blogging world and then I am quickly reminded of the amazing people that I have come to "know" from being a part of blogging. I want to tell you about two of them today...
Kimberley at the Seventh Diamond is truly one of the most altruistic people I have ever known. For 2 years (about) I have watched her help everyone. She is constantly praying for people, surprising them with special greetings, hosting on-line baby showers, promoting fundraisers and raising awareness of special needs adoptions. Kimberley truly is an inspiration to me. Her whole life seems to be about helping others. She has made such a difference in so many people's lives. She collects items for children in orphanages, boxes them up and sends them off. Now she is helping people sponsor orphans with cleft palate and cleft lip.
After many years of waiting to be matched with a baby from China, it is FINALLY Kimberley's turn. The fees that adoptive parents must pay to the orphanage have recently gone up significantly and Kimberley's family needs help raising those funds. If you want to help an amazingly giving family bring their cute pie home, please click here and make a donation at the chip-in on the side bar (every dollar helps them) or bid on an item. Note--The chip in takes a while to update but don't worry. I know they are getting the donations and the graphic will eventually update.

At the risk of being judged....I am going to admit something for those of you who may not be in the adoption community and might be thinking what I used to think.....I used to wonder why people would adopt if they did not have the money for all of the adoption costs. I know that is awful but I did think that way at one point in my life. I did not think that in a judgmental way but in an ignorant way. Now that I have met these amazing people who have so much love in their hearts, I don't wonder anymore. I know that they have enough money to raise these children but the fees for travel and adoption come very quickly at the end and most people would be hard pressed to come up with it in such a short amount of time. These families who need our help are reaching out to children who would never have a family. Please help them if you can.
One incredible side story about Kimberley...her user name on Blogger has always been Red Mary Janes. Imagine the feeling she got when she saw this picture below of her daughter waiting for her in China!!! There was no doubt this little girl was meant for them!!!!
Now, there is another woman in blogland that has inspired me in different ways. Sebi at Pearls and Grace is such an example of how God wants us to be in our lives. Her faith and her devotion to her family is incredible. This Sunday, she is giving a talk in the NYC area. If I lived anywhere near there, I would be there to listen to her amazing message. Go here to find out more information. Also, please pray for Sebi or leave her an encouraging word as she embarks on such a big event.
Yes.....I adore Kimberley and I am so lucky to live in the same state as her, that we can have lunch, that out families have met, that we can get together this summer and that her daughter and my son of from the same orphanage. We'll always have that bond. I promised to look for Sophia when I go to get Andrew. I pray that I can see her.
ReplyDeleteWe met for lunch Tuesday and I gave her a card and a check inside, since I really don't need anything from her auction.....and I am brining home a boy after She was brought to tears and I knew in my heart that God had blessed me with an incredible friend. Everything you said about her is true. She is a remarkable woman.
Thank you for doing such an hororable post for her! You too are a gem sweet girl! ;)
ReplyDeleteyou are sooo sweet to post about these ladies.. this is how we all come together in bloggerville..
Love ya girly.
Have a great week..
I adore Kimberley too and couldn't be happier that it's finally their turn. I seriously got chills when I saw those red shoes on Sophia, I can't wait to see her precious face!
ReplyDeleteOh, Kim,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post... it touched me in so many ways....
First, I whole heartily agree with each word you shared about Kimberley. Thank you so much for helping spread the word to help bring Sophia Jane home....
I do not know your other friend but she sounds like a lovely woman of God.
Just as importantly, thank you so much for baring your heart... for sharing how you once viewed families adopting without the funds needed to bring their children home. I know that some of my family memembers even feel this way still.... yet, my two children, my two miracles would not be home with their family if we would not have stepped out in faith and trusted God to provide the provisions to bring them home. They would not be here if loving, giving people wouldn't have stepped up and helped the "orphans" and helped us bring our babies home. I will eternally be grateful for each and every person who played a part in bringing my children into my arms... whether by prayer, financially or both. Now I am trusting Jesus to bring my Isabella home as well and we most definately do not have the money at this point. lol
Thank you for sharing this most worthy cause..... I can think of no greater investment with your money than the future of a child... it's an eternal investment... you just can't go wrong.
God bless you sweet friend.
Please don't ever leave us!!! To answer your question, I am going to Austin. I will be thinking of you as I connect through Houston :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I don't even know what to say, I am just in tears. You are such a dear friend to me and have always come forward to help me. It have truly been blessed by knowing you. Your kind words mean the world to me. Thank you for helping us bring our daughter home.
Thanks for sharing this, Kim. Your blog is always an uplifting place to visit and thanks so much for your sweet comment!
ReplyDeleteI love your heart, your honesty, and this post. I LOVE The Seventh Diamond, and how dear you are to write what you did. I missed that her daughter was wearing RED Mary Janes!!! How Good is our God!
Thanks for the thoughtful post today. I love the red mary janes. It truly is amazing! I also appreciate the heads-up on Sebi, I will have to look into it...
ReplyDeleteI do love Kimberley's heart....she has a servant heart for sure and I was shocked when I saw those little red shoes on that precious angel's feet last week....God is good.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness! I can't say enough good things about Pearls & Grace! She has become such a treasure to me and so many others. God is using her in marvelous ways!
ReplyDeleteI am also happy to hear about Kimberly. I can't wait to "get to know" her and her road to adoption. It sounds like her family is perfect for a little child!
Thank you for bringing these two wonderful ladies to our attention!
How amazing is it that her daughter is wearing red Mary Janes? Only God. Thanks for sharing this link. I'm going to go check it out!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing these ladies with us.
ReplyDeletei'm familiar with sebi & think she's amazing
Thank you for the sweetest post and for your generous words.... my heart is singing and my eyes are filled with tears! Thank you dear friend for your love and support. It means so much to me. I wish you lived closer as well as I would really love the opportunity to meet you in person! Thank you for such a special and heartfelt post and I look forward to getting to know your friend Red Mary Janes and want to help, pray, lift and support her during such a special time in her life right now!
ReplyDeleteMay you be blessed one hundred fold for your beautiful kindness.....
what a beautiful family and i am off to check out the link.
ReplyDeleteWow, I've got so much to catch up on. Your weekend photo workshop...the 3 peanuts, etc. Hope you have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this beautiful post. Kimberley is incredible and does so much for so many...I have something in the works...can't say yet ssshhhhhh
ReplyDeleteYou have such a loving heart Kim...I'm so lucky to be able to call you a friend.
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you are feeling well? {{{hug}}} I think of you often.
ReplyDeleteshould I go in your place. I perhaps need this now as both my sisters are having a rough rocky ride.
do tell me more.
ReplyDeleteA beautiful post! You have such a wonderful heart. These sound like two amazing woman! Thanks for sharing. I will be praying for them both!
My beau and I hope to someday conduct an international adoption. We feel that our age and family medical history are prohibitive to pregnancy, and we love the idea of helping. Recently, I learned of a local charity here in the Nashville area that provides support for Christian families who wish to adopt internationally. They even offer some grants to deserving families. The group is called Shaohannah's Hope, and was created by the Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman, who has adopted internationally.
ReplyDeleteI know that faith-based charities aren't everyone's cup of tea, but this organization has done some great work both for deserving families and for the quality of orphanages worldwide.
It was a completely random circumstance by which I learned of SH -- the director of the organization dropped his wallet at a Junior League gala at which I was volunteering-- but I feel so blessed to know that these good works are being done for international adoption causes in my community. I hope this information can help many of your readers who want to provide a loving home to a child, but fear the financial obligations of adoption.