For about the last six years, we have always had pizza after Christmas Eve Mass. I usually cook a big breakfast and dinner on Christmas Day, so I just want to do something easy after church on Christmas Eve. Since we moved here two years ago, we have been going to Christian's Pizza. It is a silly tradition but our whole family loves it. It is always interesting to see who else is in there on Christmas Eve.
After our very fancy pizza dinner, we went to see a renactment of the Nativity and the town of Bethlehem around the time of Jesus' birth. It was really moving. Here Will is feeding a Zebu at the live Nativity. They became fast friends.
We hung the stockings with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
Each year, I buy the boys a nutcracker that reflects their interests of that year. Will was very interested in collecting butterflies this year. I never thought I would find a butterfly catcher nutcracker but to my surprise--I did! Then, I discovered an even better surprise-- it has a ladybug on it. Ladybugs are considered good luck in Chinese adoptions and Will has been looking for ladybugs all year. Only about 200 have invaded our house this year. Whenever he sees one, he tells me to go check the China Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA) website to see if our sister is coming. Sorry the photo is sideways. I am just learning to blog and don't think I can rotate it.
Harry played soccer this fall and was one of his teams' high scorers. Therefore, his nutcracker this year was a Santa soccer player.
We always end the night by reading "Twas the night before Christmas" and the story of Jesus' birth.
I have just found your comment on Shana's blog - "Oliver Michael" and thought I'd check out your blog too!
ReplyDeleteI am really interested in Chinese Adoption and it is my hope to adopt from there some day!
I just love your Christmas Eve Traditions and it is obvious your boys do to by the looks on their faces! What a handsome pair aswell!
I hope to carry on my own childhood traditions with my children when I start a family!